This Wednesday (March 15th) the World will watch as another country has an election to decide between survival or temporary popularity (and eventually death).
The Netherlands, like most other countries in Europe, is experiencing an Islamization of its country and has suffered the common results of mass immigration.
Geert Wilders (pictured) of the Party for Freedom is the candidate that has caused the world to be interested in these elections as he has shown to be adamantly anti EU and anti Islam. The other parties in the Netherlands represent continued mass immigration and pro "United States of Europe" or at least very pro EU.
So far Geert Wilders' party has been leading in the polls but it is known that no other political party in the Netherlands will form a coalition with his party (which shows just how empty the word democracy is) which means that even if his party wins the election, they will not be able to govern as other parties will join together making their alliance the governing party. This is because in the Netherlands there are around 28 different political parties (usually not all 28 actually get seats in Parliament) and only 150 seats in Parliament. One wonders with a system like that how anything is able to get done in Dutch government.

Right now the two issues that threaten the survival of the Netherlands as we know it is the European Union and immigration. If the real Netherlands is to survive at all, it needs to leave the EU and stop all immigration. So yes it might save the Netherlands for the moment.
Those two problems however are really symptoms of a sickness that unfortunately the general Dutch public don't see as a problem at all; in fact they glorify it.
This sickness is of course the deadly cancer of Leftist Liberalism. When one is a Liberal it is natural to believe in borderless countries, celebration of diversity (which means every culture except the original culture of the nation is celebrated), globalism etc. The EU and an Islamic Holland are simply the consequences of Liberalism.
Since Holland's independence from Spain, it has fostered this Liberal attitude. Holland has simply come to the point where even Leftists realize something is wrong. Therefore if the Netherlands is to cure itself permanently of this sickness, it must not only de-Islamize itself but also de-Liberalize itself.
Geert Wilders and the PVV definitely would be capable of helping the county survive but it is certain they will do nothing to eradicate the Liberalism that is infested in the country.
Geert Wilders is what one might call a Far-right Liberal. That is he is anti Islam while still having Leftist ideology of pro LGBT and "Women's rights". This of course is a very unusual kind of Liberal but it shows there are some Liberals out there that realize the idiocy of mass immigration and the lunacy of giving up your country's sovereignty in exchange for some economic gain.

One wonders however what Mr. Wilders, an apostate Catholic who calls himself an agnostic, sees so beautiful about a society comprising mostly of agnostics who feel that parents have the right to kill their child up to the age of 12 years old? Why exactly does he see the values of the modern Dutch society worth preserving when they glorify their LGBT madness and Euthanasia lunacy?
Geert Wilders and the Party for Freedom therefore are the solution for the immediate problem (Islam and the EU) and are the first step in making Holland great again. Hopefully the Dutch will accept this chance for survival and will vote overwhelmingly Party for Freedom (which would be a miracle).
If Wilders is victorious tomorrow and does what he says he'll do (ban Mosques, the Koran halt immigration and leave the EU), then the Dutch people must begin to destroy the cancer of Liberalism by perhaps starting a movement that promotes Traditional family, Christianity, Private Property, Tradition and making Parliament less powerful and the King of the Netherlands more powerful.

It is encouraging to remember nonetheless that we have had some victories such as Brexit and the Trump election which have stopped the momentum of the Left and have given us a chance to start to fight back for the values we cherish.
May the Netherlands have good success tomorrow in the election of 2017.
Onze gebeden zijn met u.
In the many youtube videos where one can hear Geert Wilders speaking English, you hear him saying things like "We are a country founded on Judeo-Christian principles"
ReplyDeleteThere's no such thing as Judeo-Christian principles.
Wilders is an extreme left-liberal and they're part of the problem, not part of the solution. They've turned Europe into a cesspit.