The Contemporary Traditionalist
Counter revolutionary blog dedicated to the promotion of Traditional beliefs, opinions and philosophies.
Friday, March 24, 2017
God, King and Country
Hi everyone.
It has been a while since I last posted. The reason for that is I have been working on my new youtube channel called God, King and Country.
My reason for being on the Internet is simple: to aid the Counter-Revolution to the best of my ability. For me, what I can do to fight the Revolutionaries, is claim some territory on the Internet.
The importance of the Internet can not be exaggerated as it is more influential than any media source that ever was and in the case of the Internet it can not be controlled as newspapers or television can.
That is why I started this blog and finally I am able to announce that I have a youtube channel as well. Why is a youtube channel important? Well when one studies the ways in which society was changed by the Revolutionaries, one sees how much influence art and especially lately music had in changing public opinion.
My youtube channel will be for that very purpose; to use music to change public opinion. The reason it is named God, King and Country is because the videos I will make will be of Religious, Monarchists and Folk or Traditionalists nature.
People who love Traditional music I believe are often discouraged because Folk music is difficult to find and often one must know other languages to find some of it. I have been a fan of Folk music for many years and have found quite a bit of it. So hopefully I will be saving those who want to listen to traditional music some trouble.
Now that I have started this channel, I want to work on it and get it going fast. So I would like to tell everyone that I won't be posting on The Contemporary Traditionalist blog regularly until after Easter. I probably will post a few before Easter but I will be mostly working on youtube during that time. If you want to be informed when the next post comes out, you can subscribe to this blog via Email using the "Follow by Email" gadget.
Here is a link to my youtube channel
If you like the videos please like, subscribe and share them with your liberal friends who need some Tradition in their lives.
As Traditionalist Counter-Revolutionaries we need to start using the methods of Revolutionaries. We need realize that no matter how much we argue about why Tradition or Monarchy according to philosophy is correct, people generally won't care. However using art to convey loyalty and love of the past may covert people to the ways of Tradition.
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
The Future of the Netherlands
This Wednesday (March 15th) the World will watch as another country has an election to decide between survival or temporary popularity (and eventually death).
The Netherlands, like most other countries in Europe, is experiencing an Islamization of its country and has suffered the common results of mass immigration.
Geert Wilders (pictured) of the Party for Freedom is the candidate that has caused the world to be interested in these elections as he has shown to be adamantly anti EU and anti Islam. The other parties in the Netherlands represent continued mass immigration and pro "United States of Europe" or at least very pro EU.
So far Geert Wilders' party has been leading in the polls but it is known that no other political party in the Netherlands will form a coalition with his party (which shows just how empty the word democracy is) which means that even if his party wins the election, they will not be able to govern as other parties will join together making their alliance the governing party. This is because in the Netherlands there are around 28 different political parties (usually not all 28 actually get seats in Parliament) and only 150 seats in Parliament. One wonders with a system like that how anything is able to get done in Dutch government.

Right now the two issues that threaten the survival of the Netherlands as we know it is the European Union and immigration. If the real Netherlands is to survive at all, it needs to leave the EU and stop all immigration. So yes it might save the Netherlands for the moment.
Those two problems however are really symptoms of a sickness that unfortunately the general Dutch public don't see as a problem at all; in fact they glorify it.
This sickness is of course the deadly cancer of Leftist Liberalism. When one is a Liberal it is natural to believe in borderless countries, celebration of diversity (which means every culture except the original culture of the nation is celebrated), globalism etc. The EU and an Islamic Holland are simply the consequences of Liberalism.
Since Holland's independence from Spain, it has fostered this Liberal attitude. Holland has simply come to the point where even Leftists realize something is wrong. Therefore if the Netherlands is to cure itself permanently of this sickness, it must not only de-Islamize itself but also de-Liberalize itself.
Geert Wilders and the PVV definitely would be capable of helping the county survive but it is certain they will do nothing to eradicate the Liberalism that is infested in the country.
Geert Wilders is what one might call a Far-right Liberal. That is he is anti Islam while still having Leftist ideology of pro LGBT and "Women's rights". This of course is a very unusual kind of Liberal but it shows there are some Liberals out there that realize the idiocy of mass immigration and the lunacy of giving up your country's sovereignty in exchange for some economic gain.

One wonders however what Mr. Wilders, an apostate Catholic who calls himself an agnostic, sees so beautiful about a society comprising mostly of agnostics who feel that parents have the right to kill their child up to the age of 12 years old? Why exactly does he see the values of the modern Dutch society worth preserving when they glorify their LGBT madness and Euthanasia lunacy?
Geert Wilders and the Party for Freedom therefore are the solution for the immediate problem (Islam and the EU) and are the first step in making Holland great again. Hopefully the Dutch will accept this chance for survival and will vote overwhelmingly Party for Freedom (which would be a miracle).
If Wilders is victorious tomorrow and does what he says he'll do (ban Mosques, the Koran halt immigration and leave the EU), then the Dutch people must begin to destroy the cancer of Liberalism by perhaps starting a movement that promotes Traditional family, Christianity, Private Property, Tradition and making Parliament less powerful and the King of the Netherlands more powerful.

It is encouraging to remember nonetheless that we have had some victories such as Brexit and the Trump election which have stopped the momentum of the Left and have given us a chance to start to fight back for the values we cherish.
May the Netherlands have good success tomorrow in the election of 2017.
Onze gebeden zijn met u.
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Traditionalists: The Hanfu Movement
The Hanfu movement, some say, started around 2003 when a man named Wang Letian (pictured) wore Traditional Han Chinese clothing called Hanfu out in public. His actions (according some Chinese media outlets) started what is called the Hanfu Movement which is a group of people that wish to see Traditional Han clothing incorporated into daily life in China. Supposedly (again according to critical media voices) the movement was brought on by popular TV shows where the protagonist travels back in time to imperial China.
In China there are 56 different ethnicities. The Han Chinese comprise of about 91% of the population making them the dominate ethnic group in China.
The other 55 ethnicities have vibrant cultural traditions whose expression is seen as a good thing in China. The Han Chinese however have become a very Westernized people and this movement has been viewed (by some of the media and the government at least) very negatively.
Though some have called the movement frivolous, the Chinese government views it as dangerous.
To make TV "safer" for the people of China, the government's television censors have issued guidelines which all but ban TV dramas from featuring time travel saying they “lack positive thoughts and meaning.” and “casually make up myths, have monstrous and weird plots, use absurd tactics, and even promote feudalism, superstition, fatalism and reincarnation.”

Criticisms of the movement include the movement is "awkward time travel" or those in the movement are just showing off or trying to attract attention. Critics also say that Hanfu is impractical for modern living.
One criticism against the movement which should be addressed is that those in the movement are mixing traditional and modern clothes together which is making an "awkward time travel". For example they criticize mixing Hanfu with modern shoes or backpacks etc. They also say that it looks awkward to see people wearing Hanfu using computers or going into modern buildings.
This criticism is empty however as the goal of the movement is not to "time travel" but to make Hanfu as common as western clothes and incorporate it into modern life. What they fail to see is how after the fall of the Qing empire, China broke completely with the National styles of Chinese clothing. In other words Chinese styles did not modernize, they were completely replaced with styles that are not Chinese in the slightest. Therefore those who wish to dress "Chinese" have no choice but to go back to more ancient styles of clothing as there is no modern version of Chinese dress; it is all western. Those in the Hanfu movement simply wish to be actually "Chinese" in their dress not return to living as ancients in ancient society.
There can be no doubt that to revive Chinese identity merely in the sphere of clothing would have drastic consequences on the rest of Chinese public thought that would hasten the decline of the very un-Chinese Communists regime. It is important to note that already it has awoken the practice of many other Traditional Customs such as archery, tea ceremonies, traditional Han weddings and other rituals. This is why the "Reds" fear this movement and have taken the first step in crushing it; by banning TV from favorably portraying life when China was actually Chinese.
The war of between Revolutionaries and Counter-Revolutionaries sees battles at every element of human life. This is because The Revolutionaries seek to "change" (or destroy) the Moral Order and Natural Law that governs the universe. The way they think they can destroy Natural Law is by making Man into something Nonhuman which they do by convincing the masses to do the exact opposite of every Natural tendency of Man.
It is for this reason that something seemingly trivial like Traditional clothes must be cherished by Traditionalists and defended to the best of our ability; after all the Communist Revolutionaries in China think it very important and they should know.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Story of Tradition: St. Thomas and his Christians
I intended this post to be in honor of St. Thomas the Apostle whose feast day I thought was today. I later found out it was Thomas Aquinas' feast but I wanted to finish the post anyway.
The Catholic Church in India is comprised of three different groups. The Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, The Syro-Malankara Catholic Church and the Roman Catholic Church.

The other native Indian Catholic Church is The Syro-Malankara Catholic Church. The population of this church is much smaller than the Syro-Malabar with only 500,000 adherents the majority of whom live in India in the southern state of Kerala.
The Liturgy of the Syro-Malankara is derived from the West Syriac Rite of the Catholic Church and is also governed by its own hierarchy of bishops subject to the Pope.
Like the Syro-Malabar Church, The Syro-Malankara Church also traces its origin to St. Thomas when he came to India.
The Roman or Latin rite Catholics in India trace their origin to the Missionary work of St. Francis Xavier.
The Catholic Indians have derived their Culture from three different sources Hindu, Syrian and Portuguese Colonial era. These influences blended together has given Indian Catholics their own Independent Identity.

To the mentality of Indians, including Indian Catholics, to worship a deity requires something visual. As a result of this, images of Christ and the Saints are very important to Indians.
Throughout the areas where Catholicism is prominent, there are Shrines that attract many pilgrims who consider their pilgrimages there as important times in their lives.
One interesting practice that is really a Hindu practice adapted to Catholicism is the leaving of an offering of either Salt, Peppercorn, Coconut or other sweets at a statue of a Saint. This practice is called Prasdam. The Prasdam or Offering left at the Statue is considered sanctified by that particular Saint. The Offering is left by those devoted to the Saint as a gift to others who are devoted to the Saint. These other devotees who receive the gift consider it a gift from the Saint himself.

Feasts are so elaborate in fact that a bishop in India was concerned that a huge portion of the Parish's funds were going to feasts. This forced him to restrict feasts to only nine days.

Thankfully unlike most of the Catholic world, Communion in the hand is not allowed.
Like Indian Society as a whole the "Caste" system is present in the mentality of Indian Catholics. Most Non Latin Indian Catholics Consider themselves to be of the high caste Nambudiri Brahman. Interestingly Latin Rite Catholics in India are of a Lower Caste than the Syro-Malabars and Malankaras.
The Catholics in India carry on a Catholic Rite that is as old as the Church herself and are a people that see their Traditions as something to be proud of (unlike their western brothers in the Church that seem to consider their heritage something irrelevant and undesirable in their lives).
It is good to remember that there are more than just "Western" Catholics in the Church and that East and West both have different beautiful expressions of the same True Religion, Catholicism.
I derived the information for this post from
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Traditional Community
It could well be argued that one of the major causes of the Liberal-Modernist (Revolutionary) society that dominates the world today was the loss of Traditional Community or Village Life.
The instrument that was most significant in the destruction of Traditional Community was the Industrial Revolution (notice how everything that was called a revolution had negative affects on society). This Revolution called young people to move to the exciting city to get factory job and leave behind (or sell) their farms and villages. This of course had negative affects on the people who left and on society as a whole; problems that have continued to the present day.
Traditional Community, or Village Life, had a very significant impact on life itself and was, one could claim, the device that kept Tradition alive in society (which explains why Western Tradition is all but dead now). Village Life influenced all of the important things in society such as Family, Religion, Morality, Economy and Political Power.

Families would usually comprise of three generations with the Man, his wife and children, his parents and close to his farm would be the houses of his many brothers and their families making a kind of "clan" that influenced the Village significantly.
Keeping the Family Name respectable was an incentive that had many positive affects on life and fear of shaming one's Family deterred one from many things.
Family bonds were also much stronger in Village Life and when difficult situations arose for someone in the family, like crop failure or debt, the men of that family would get together and solve the problem as a group. Presumably this was much more reliable "insurance" than what is available today.

The Priest would often be the most learned and well traveled man in the village and be the defender and advocate of his flock against traveling con men and Legal problems. Priests would also be called upon to settle disputes among the Villagers being seen as the best way for a fair judgment.
Oftentimes an entire Village would practice the same religion which made spirituality much more real in the lives of its people. One's life revolved around the faith and religion was incorporated into part of a Villagers life. Examples of this would be Mass, the Angelus, Vespers, Grace before Meals, Processions, Weddings, Baptisms, Blessing of the Fields, Funerals etc. most of which were done as a community making a Village intensely united as everyone shared each other's most important beliefs.

Village Economy was much more profitable to society. Those living in a village had no choice but to invest in their community by buying and selling locally. This caused wealth to stay in the village which made people much more wealthy and less unemployed. The "Market" in a village was much more honest as people were less likely to cheat someone they knew since childhood and poor quality goods were not tolerated by the community.

One can see by these reasons that it was wise for the Revolutionaries to get people out of the village and into the city were they would lose the protection of Ordered life and be easy to manipulate.
Traditionalists will find it hard indeed to bring society back to this well ordered life but we must try to the best of our ability. It is incorrect to think however that Traditional Community is dead, it still is alive in parishes that bond together united by religion. To bring back Traditional Community we must strengthen parish communities as that seems the best way to Counter the Revolutionary idea of Urbanism and Globalism.
Tradition, Custom and Culture
First I would like to apologize for not posting in a week. I have been working on a post that has been more difficult than I anticipated.
It seems that a blog that professes Traditionalism should discuss what it means by Traditionalism. Traditionalism is much too vast to detail all in one post but I will discuss some features of it.
Let me define some terms first. I will define these three terms to help describe what I am promoting: Tradition, Custom and Culture. Then I will answer some questions about Tradition.
Tradition: tradition is the beliefs and norms passed down to a people that affect how they live, act and think.
Tradition: tradition is the beliefs and norms passed down to a people that affect how they live, act and think.
Custom: customs are the rituals, behaviors, arts, architecture etc. of a group that is based in or a result of their traditions.

Now that we have defined our terms let us discuss this concept of Tradition.
Where does Tradition come from?
We have already shown in our definitions that Tradition is what creates Custom and Culture but what creates Tradition?
Tradition one could argue was created from two components, Religion and History. Religion's impact on Tradition is quite apparent as Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi, Lex Vivendi; How you pray is how you believe is how you live. History's impact on Tradition must be admitted to explain how different peoples practicing the same religion are distinctly different while being related.
What of Secularists who still practice "traditional" customs of their heritage?
Some people have the mistaken view that by dancing one's cultural dances or doing some other thing the "old way" they are Traditionalist. They consider one's heritage to be important on certain occasions but not their life. This, as we have stated earlier, is Custom not Tradition and practicing Custom and disregarding Tradition is not what Traditionalists support. To Traditionalists custom is not of primary importance; Tradition is.

Certain Traditions are universal across all Cultures because they adhere to Natural Law. Examples of these Traditions are marriage between a Man and a Woman, respect for elders, belief in a Creator and the desire to worship, these things one will find in any culture that one studies. Other Traditions that are more prevalent in some cultures than others could be an emphasis on humility and respect or a more outgoing manner with strangers or an intense (to westerners at least) sense of family bonds that extend to very distant relations.
Are all Cultures equal?
Since we have affirmed that Tradition and ultimately Culture is built on the Religion of a people, it is reasonable to believe that since all religions are not equal to each other, all Cultures are not equal to each other.
I, as a Catholic, believe cultures influenced by Catholicism (and churches whose bishops have apostolic succession i.e. the Orthodox) are superior to all other cultures. That being said it is apparent that the West has discarded its Religion and its Culture and is at the moment far inferior to non Christian civilizations that have upheld Traditional living and morality.
Traditionalist, I think, must make this distinction in their heads that all cultures are not equal to each other. This may sound "politically incorrect" to affirm that Catholicism is superior to say Islam or Hinduism but if I believe Catholicism is true then I must believe that. I am sure that Muslims, Hindus, Jews etc. would disagree with me and I would expect no less from people who truly believe in their religions. If they do not believe this they should look for another faith that they do believe is superior to all others.
Should Traditionalists from different Religions and Cultures work together?

Catholic Traditionalists should support all Traditions from all Cultures that do not contradict the Gospel. Certain Traditions like honor suicide or animal sacrifice etc. Traditionalists should not support. Those Traditions and Customs which are good however Traditionalists should support regardless of what Cultures they come from.
Should Traditionalists adopt other Culture's Customs?
Yes and No. Traditionalists should study and experience (to some extent) other Cultures but actually living as another Culture is not proper. We were each born into a certain race and our duty is to keep that culture alive. To forsake your "tribe" as it were and adopt another is a betrayal of your Folk. Besides no one will be Japanese as well as a Japanese and no one will be a Frenchman as well as a Frenchman.
There are really two Cultures that one belongs to; Particular Culture and General Culture. Particular Culture would be one's specific country or Culture. General Culture would be for example Western culture or Eastern culture, African culture or South American/Latin American culture.

Thursday, February 23, 2017
Language of the Gaels
Why don't the Celts teach their children to speak?
Traditionalism expressed in Language is perhaps not something many have thought about but as other groups well know the power of a country's native Language is quite great.
Today being Scott, Irish or Welsh is seen as a respectable race by non Celts. This has not always been the case however as being a Celt used to automatically make your life difficult.
Though there were many hardships for Celts in their history they always had a fighting spirit to keep their Traditions and "the old ways" alive...until now.
In this day when education is widespread and life is much more luxurious the several different Celtic peoples don't find their native Language worth preserving. The Language that their ancestors were persecuted for speaking (yet they continued to speak it defiantly) is not important to them.
Currently the status of these Languages are quite sad. In Ireland the population that "know" Irish is 1.77 million; the population of those who know more than a little is 77,185. In Scotland the amount left of those who speak Gaelic (as in speaking more than just a smattering) is 87,100 according to a 2011 census. In Wales a t.v. channel hosted a survey and found 750,000 reported to "know" Welsh and another 1.5 million who say they can understand it. The other small Celtic groups such as Breton, Cornish and Manx is much worse with 35,000 who speak Breton every day, 2,000 that say they are fluent in Cornish and 1,823 that speak Manx.
To Traditionalists this should be a cause for concern as the possibility of a language dying means a living link to past generations dying. This may not be the most important battle for counter revolutionaries but it is a battle that everyday common people can fight by educating themselves in their national language. This does not require drastic measures either; learning some of the language and (most especially) using it as much as possible is better than not at all.
One man from Ireland did find the Irish language important and decided to move his family to an Irish speaking county so that his children's native language would be Irish. The children, who were quite musical, become a very famous Irish band that sings in the Native Irish. That band is called "Na Casaidigh" or The Cassidys.
Resisting modernity comes to many different battle grounds and Traditionalist Counter Revolutionaries must fight however they can. Depending on the abilities and opportunities given to us by God we all must fight where we are able. If we are in the Political world we must fight for Tradition in government, if we are musicians we must promote tradition with our music, if we are artists then we must fight with our art and if we might promote Tradition by speaking as much as possible in a Traditional (still living) language to remind people of the past then that is how we must fight to change the Mad Modern World we live in.
Éirinn go brách
Alba gu bràth
Cymru am byth
Gaels Forever
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