Why don't the Celts teach their children to speak?
Traditionalism expressed in Language is perhaps not something many have thought about but as other groups well know the power of a country's native Language is quite great.
Today being Scott, Irish or Welsh is seen as a respectable race by non Celts. This has not always been the case however as being a Celt used to automatically make your life difficult.
Though there were many hardships for Celts in their history they always had a fighting spirit to keep their Traditions and "the old ways" alive...until now.
In this day when education is widespread and life is much more luxurious the several different Celtic peoples don't find their native Language worth preserving. The Language that their ancestors were persecuted for speaking (yet they continued to speak it defiantly) is not important to them.
Currently the status of these Languages are quite sad. In Ireland the population that "know" Irish is 1.77 million; the population of those who know more than a little is 77,185. In Scotland the amount left of those who speak Gaelic (as in speaking more than just a smattering) is 87,100 according to a 2011 census. In Wales a t.v. channel hosted a survey and found 750,000 reported to "know" Welsh and another 1.5 million who say they can understand it. The other small Celtic groups such as Breton, Cornish and Manx is much worse with 35,000 who speak Breton every day, 2,000 that say they are fluent in Cornish and 1,823 that speak Manx.
To Traditionalists this should be a cause for concern as the possibility of a language dying means a living link to past generations dying. This may not be the most important battle for counter revolutionaries but it is a battle that everyday common people can fight by educating themselves in their national language. This does not require drastic measures either; learning some of the language and (most especially) using it as much as possible is better than not at all.
One man from Ireland did find the Irish language important and decided to move his family to an Irish speaking county so that his children's native language would be Irish. The children, who were quite musical, become a very famous Irish band that sings in the Native Irish. That band is called "Na Casaidigh" or The Cassidys.
Resisting modernity comes to many different battle grounds and Traditionalist Counter Revolutionaries must fight however they can. Depending on the abilities and opportunities given to us by God we all must fight where we are able. If we are in the Political world we must fight for Tradition in government, if we are musicians we must promote tradition with our music, if we are artists then we must fight with our art and if we might promote Tradition by speaking as much as possible in a Traditional (still living) language to remind people of the past then that is how we must fight to change the Mad Modern World we live in.
Éirinn go brách
Alba gu bràth
Cymru am byth
Gaels Forever